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Awareness Programme on Entrepreneurship held at Biswanath College

Staff Reporter Biswanath Chariali, September 16: A one-day entrepreneurship awareness programme was held at Biswanath College today. The programme was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the Institutions Innovations Cell of the college in collaboration with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt of India and District Industries and Commerce Center, Govt of Assam. The inaugural session started with the welcome speech by Dr. Chinta Mani Sharma, Principal of Biswanath College where he talked about the need for an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Higher education Institutions. There were three technical sessions of the program where the first one was carried forward by Raj Mohnani, Assistant Director of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt of India as Resource Person. In his speech, he described various initiatives offered by the Ministry of MSME for entrepreneurship development. The second session witnessed the presence of Resource Person Ritu Dutta, Assistant Director, District Industries and Commerce Center, Govt of Assam who delivered his speech on various schemes of Assam Government for promoting entrepreneurship in Assam. The lecture of the third session was on the Promotion of Start up in Assam which was delivered by Amrit Raj Konwar, a successful entrepreneur of Assam and founder of Edupur Shiksha Abhiyan. He delivered an extensive lecture on entrepreneurship as a career option. All the three sessions were highly interactive where around two hundred students from different departments of the college participated. The programme also witnessed the active involvement of Dr. Naresh Thakur, Coordinator, IQAC, Dr. Debashis Sarmah, Assistant Coordinator, IQAC, Dr Lalit Boruah, member of IQAC, Deepjyoti Nath, President, IIC, Kabita Borah, HoD, of Commerce, Arabinda Das and Ms Ranjana Sharma of the Department of Commerce.

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