Staff Reporter,Guwahati, March 16: A two day long All India BSNL volleyball tournament concludes successfully at Guwahati Volleyball Coaching Centre from March 14 to 15. The tournament was organised by BSNL Assam Telecom Circle under the Presidentship of J.B Singh, GM (Admin), BSNL Circle Office and Suman Paul, Secretary. Karnataka BSNL team emerged as the champion of 19th All India BSNL Volleyball Tournament defeating Tamilnadu by a margin of 3-0 set. The third place was secured by Rajasthan BSNL team defeating Himachal Pradesh. A total eight teams from Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttaranchal participated in the tournament where Avinna Kumar Pahi, CGM, BSNL, Assam Telecom Circle was the chief guest and Hemanti Chutia Borgohain, former volleyball player, Avanindra Sharma, CGM, Core Network, NE were attended as guest of honour in the event. Saurabh Tyagi, PGM from BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi was also graced the tournament as Observer. A souvenir was also released to mark the occasion under the joint editorship of Mukesh Doley and Saurav Borgohain.