Staff Reporter,
North Lakhimpur, December 13: Nosferatu, the German expressionist movie of the Weimer Era was celebrated by cine lovers on the occasion of its one hundred years at North Lakhimpur today. A screening and discussion on the film was organized by Lakhimpur Cine Club in collaboration with the Cine Club of Lakhimpur Commerce College at its seminar hall. The coordinator of the Cine Club of Lakhimpur Commerce College and eminent columnist Sazzad Hussain welcomed the audience of the screening followed by a brief address by the Principal of the college Dr. Lohit Hazarika. In his address, Dr. Hazarika said that in celebrating the hundred years of Nosferatu Lakhimpur Commerce College joined the world community of cinema lovers to mark the historic event. On the various aspects of the movie, a detailed discussion was delivered by Farhana Ahmed, secretary, Lakhimpur Cine Club and film critic-journalist. In her discussion, Ahmed said that Nosferatu was the first screen adaptation of Bam Stoker's Dracula and it was made by Freidrich Murnau with an esoteric presentation of the blood sucking vampire, maintaining its original folk form. She also spoke about various trivias and popular rumours attributed to the movie then and now and its enduring legacy. Anita Deka Bora, professor of Education, Lakhimpur Girls' College, North Lakhimpur attended the function as a special guest.The programme was attended by teachers and students of Lakhimpur Commerce College.